Minecraft Story Mode Fan Fiction Wikia

(A usual text screen shows, with "Group Chat" at the top. Lukas, Petra, Olivia, Axel, Ivor, and Aiden are shown in the chat, meaning this is Jesse's phone.)

Jesse: Hey, guys.

Lukas: Hey, Jesse. 💖

Petra: What's up?

Jesse: Just coming back. Going to catch a bus back.

Petra: Okay. Hey, look out for a certain bus.

Aiden: I remember hearing about that! Smaller than a normal one? Broken window?

Petra: Yeah.

Jesse: My bus is coming. I'm a little creeped out, but that's probably because of what you guys said.

Petra: Look out, Jesse.

Jesse: On the bus now. The driver's watching me through the rearview mirror. Really creeped out now.

Lukas: Is he looking at you any certain way?

Jesse: No, he's just staring.

Aiden: Is there any fire exit or escape that you can see?

Jesse: You don't think I tried that already?

Aiden: Just asking...

Axel: Where's the jerk going?

Jesse: OH MY GOSH! It's like the Batcave. These huge doors opened up and now I think we're underground.

Olivia: What?!


Ivor: Yes, please do!

Jesse: I can't. There's no escape.

Lukas: I'm coming down there.

Jesse: WHAT?!

Lukas: I need to know what's going on.

Jesse: You could die!

Lukas: It doesn't matter, so long as you're okay.

Jesse: OMG the driver's going ballistic. He's demanding me to give him my phone.

Ivor: Don't give it to him!

Jesse: I'm not. I'm hiding it so he can't see. Freaking out right now.

Ivor: Anything new? Where are you?

Jesse: In some kind of room. OH MY GOSH!!!

Aiden: What?!

Jesse: You know that girl who went missing a few days ago? Candice Vanderburg?

Lukas: Yeah.

Jesse: She's in the bus next to me. There are like a million buses here, all of them with only one passenger. The ones in the back all look asleep. Oh my gosh, I think they're dead.

Aiden: ...

Jesse: Bus filling up with smoke!

Olivia: Get down under a seat or something. I'm calling the cops.

Axel: Good idea.

Jesse: Phone about to die...

(The episode ends with it going black, a girl's breathing, and then it suddenly stops.)
